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Three Questions and Solutions for the Use of E-bike Battery

Dec. 05, 2017

1.When the first time E-bike Battery is used, why should you charge it first and use again?

Although the electric bike battery has electricity when it is just used, it does not mean that it can be used directly. Because all the e-bike batteries will use after one to two months in the factory, during this time, there are some reactions inside the cell, consume some energy and can not reach the rated capacity required. If use will cause some damage to the battery, but the initial use after charging, not only can protect the safety of the battery, but also avoid the customer think lack of electricity.

2.How to deal with Electric Bike Battery that are not used for a long time?

Sometimes for some reason, electric cars will be long unused, in this case, the battery would be best off, put in a cool dry place, before place, it is best charging full battery, then at least a month on a single charge, to prevent the electric vehicle battery power shortage. Regular charging can also prevent the irreversible salinization and short circuit.

3.Often charge well or wait until all the electricity is used up well?

The less the discharge, the more the number of charge, the more the number of cycles used, which is harmful to the life of the battery. 

E-bike Battery

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